Dear Mom and Dad: 

Are you not happy with what your children  are learning in school?  Take a look at this video that gives you 24 reasons to Homeschool.



The video is of a lecture Samuel L. Blumenfeld gave in 1996 in Boise, Idaho at a conference of Homeschoolers (and many not yet homeschooling) outlining 24 reasons why Parents should seriously consider making the move to Homeschooling.

You may be surprised at the list of very sound reasons Dr. Blumenfeld gave at this Homeschooling Seminar. If you have considered homeschooling your children, whether they are not school-age yet or, have already been in public school for several years, here is great information.  There are good reasons to consider taking them out, take a look at this video.

One hour video.  Quality of video and sound are not high grade, but is acceptable (Was recorded by a Homeschool Dad attendee).  You will be able to fully understand the list of 24 reasons.

Here is the link to the Video:

The 24 Reasons video is Number 2. (There are 12 Hours of Videos you can access there!!)

The late Samuel L. Blumenfeld is the author of Alpha-Phonics A Primer for Beginning Readers, a staple for Homeschooling for 40 years.  Sam has written many other books on education and many articles for various publications.

While the quality of a homemade  Video at a Homeschool Conference may be less than perfect, using Alpha-Phonics A Primer for Beginning Readers is the perfect program  for Parents who want a program that is:

                       SIMPLE  –  INEXPENSIVE –  EFFECTIVE

We would like to hear from you about this post or anything else about our reading program.

Our mission is to provide the easiest to teach, the most successful and the most modestly priced reading instruction program available .

We must be doing something right because we have been growing for 32 years

We draw your attention to the Horizontal Black Bar across the top of this post:  There are “click on’s” to take you to various sources of helpful information.  We hope you will click to visit our Website where you will find all our “Three-R’s” educational materials.  And, oh yes, how to order any of them.

We would also ask you to LIKE us on Facebook.  Thanks


About Peter Watt

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