75 Articles by Samuel Blumenfeld. FREE!

Thanks to Homeschool World, the official website of Practical Homeschooling, where you can access 75 of the best articles by the late Sam Blumenfeld, world class writer on education and many other topics of interest.

Click below for 75 Articles:

Homeschooling Articles by Sam Blumenfeld

Here are a few samples of Homeschooling articles by Sam Blumenfeld:

The Whole-Language Boondoggle Sam Blumenfeld explains why “look-say” reading never works.

High School for Freedom! Whereas high school students from public schools are impinged from thinking about a successful career path due to wasted time in multiculuralism and Outcome-Based Education, homeschoolers have the time to plan their careers while in high school.

Dyslexia: The Man-Made Disease Sam Blumenfeld squares off against The Cat in the Hat.

Teach Reading to the “Learning Disabled” Sam outlines some strategies that will help in teaching reading to the learning disabled.

Uncle Sam Wants Your Child on his National Database From the number of your child’s cavities to his private religious and political beliefs, the new national educational database is just a teensy bit too intrusive, don’t you think? And it’s online now. It’s a good thing you homeschool.

Why the Internet will Never Replace Books

Teach Reading to the “Learning Disabled” Sam outlines some strategies that will help

(While you are there on the Homeschool World website take a look at the many articles by Mary Pride herself.  You will learn why she is perhaps the outstanding expert writer on Homeschooling)

Born, and educated in New York City, Dr. Bumenfeld graduated from The City College of New York in 1950 and worked for ten years in the book publishing industry. His articles have appeared in many publications, and he has lectured and held seminars in all fifty states and Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand. He has also tutored and taught in private schools and as a substitute in public schools. He was, no doubt, one of the world’s leading authorities on the teaching of reading. In 1986 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by Bob Jones University.  See more

Sam Blumenfeld’s premier book is Alpha-Phonics A Primer for Beginning Readers.

See Why Here

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