Cursive Handwriting Making a Big Comeback in Schools

Teaching Cursive Is Making A Big Comeback In Schools


                 The Bluegrass Institute

Is cursive writing a dying art? While some school districts across the country are losing the art form, an effort is underway in some schools to keep it alive. It’s no surprise that using traditional pen to paper to take notes and complete homework have been replaced with laptops and tech devices.

Where chalkboards used to don the front wall of the classroom, they’ve now been replaced with whiteboards and other screens used to teach children. More and more technology is being used in the classroom, including smartboards, desktop computers and tablets.

Teaching cursive hasn’t been part of school curriculum for many years. Many teachers no longer teach cursive, only opting to teach if there is free time after regular subjects. But there seems to be a trend in some schools to encourage students to practice penmanship. In fact, some states have passed laws to require cursive.

Ohio lawmakers want to revive the lost art of penmanship. A proposed law, which passed theOhioHouse this past June, would create a curriculum to teach cursive to students in kindergarten through fifth grade. The bill would not require cursive be taught in schools.

      Cursive Writing Returns to NYC Schools (video)

Alabama and Louisiana passed laws mandating cursive proficiency in public schools, the latest of 14 states that require cursive.New York City, the nation’s largest public school system, encouraged the teaching of cursive to students as part of their third grade curriculum.

It’s not uncommon for grade schools to have removed the teaching of cursive entirely from their curriculum. Many states stopped teaching the writing style after adopting national Common Core curriculum standards, which did not require students to learn cursive. However, some schools are trying to keep the practice alive.

Christian Science Monitor:  Cursive letters offer more                     than aesthetic, study (video) says:

Homeschool Moms:  Want a great Cursive Handwriting Course that is EASY, EFFECTIVE and INEXPENSIVE?  We have it for you!  Sam Blumenfeld’s HOW TO TUTOR, COVERS  NOT ONLY CURSIVE  but also PHONICS READING and ARITHMETIC!


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