1990: Black Tot day:  LAST DAY of Rum rations in the Royal Navy.

Royal Navy sailors lining up for their daily rum ration

  • 837 15th recorded perihelion passage of Halley’s Comet

Event of interestEvent of Interest                                                       King Henry IV of France

1594 Henry IV crowned King of France

  • 1670 Jews expelled from Austria by order of Leopold I
  • 1801 Washington, D.C. placed under Congressional jurisdiction
  • 1813 1st federal vaccination legislation enacted

Music releaseMusic Premiere                                                         Composer Ludwig van Beethoven

1814 Ludwig van Beethoven‘s 8th Symphony in F premieres

Event of interestEvent of Interest                                                         16th US President Abraham Lincoln

1860 Abraham Lincoln makes a speech at Cooper Union in the city of New York that is largely responsible for his election to the Presidency.  Why was the speech so important?  Find out HERE

  • 1869 John Menard is 1st African American to make a speech in the US Congress
  • 1872 Charlotte Ray, 1st African American woman lawyer in USA, graduates from Howard University

Electoral defeatElection of Interest                                                   19th US President Rutherford B. Hayes                                

1877 US Electoral College declares Rutherford B. Hayeswinner of the presidential election.  Why was this election contested?  Find out HERE.

  • 1879 Constantine Fahlberg discovers saccharin (artificial sweetener)
  • 1933 The Reichstag, German parliament building, destroyed by fire; set by the Nazis, who blame it on Communists
  • 1942 Battle of Java Sea began: 13 US warships sunk and 2 Japanese

Electoral defeatElection of Interest                                                    Chinese Military and Political Leader Chiang Kai-shek

1950 General Chiang Kai-shek elected president of Nationalist China

  • 1951 22nd amendment ratified, limiting US Presidents to 2 terms
  • 1964 The government of Italy asks for help to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from toppling over.

BattleCoup d’état                                                                    General and President of Syria Hafez al-Assad

1969 General Hafez al-Assad becomes head of Syria via military coup

  • 1973 American Indian Movement occupy Wounded Knee in South Dakota
  • 1986 The United States Senate allows its debates to be televised on a trial basis
  • 1990 Exxon Corp and Exxon Shipping are indicted on 5 criminal counts (Valdez).  What had happened?             Royal Navy sailors lining up for their daily rum ration

             Royal Navy sailors lining up for their daily rum ration

Historic CommunicationBlack Tot Day

1990 Final day of the rum ration in the Royal New Zealand Navy
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  • 2012 Wikileaks begins disclosing 5 million emails from private intelligence company Stratfor
  • 2014 Chaos erupts after the Swedish Public Employment Service mistakenly invites 61,000 people to a job interview in Stockholm

Event of interestEvent of Interest                                                           Son-in-law and Adviser to Donald Trump Jared Kushner

2018 Jared Kushner, son-in-law of President Trump, has his top-secret security clearance at the White House downgraded

We hope our viewers enjoy today’s list of events in history occurring on this day, February 27.  These events bought to you as a service of the Publishers of


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