• 202 BC Coronation ceremony of Liu Bang as Emperor Gaozu of Han takes place, initiating four centuries of the Han Dynasty’s rule over China
  • 364 Valentinian I becomes Roman Emperor
  • 870 8th Ecumenical council ends in Constantinople
  • 1646 Roger Scott tried in Massachusetts for sleeping in church
  • 1704 Frenchman Elias Neau opens a school for blacks in NYC
  • 1749 1st edition of Henry Fieldings’ novel “Tom Jones” published
  • 1759 Pope Clement XIII allows Bible to be translated into various languages

Event of interestEvent of Interest                                                    Evangelist John Wesley

1784 John Wesley charters Methodist Church

  • 1849 1st boat load of gold rush prospectors arrives in San Francisco from east coast
  • 1893 Edward Acheson of Pennsylvania, patents an abrasive he names “carborundum” (sand paper)
  • 1909 1st National Woman’s Day is observed in the United States. Organized by the Socialist Party of America in honor of the 1908 garment workers’ strike in New York, where women protested against working conditions.
  • 1933 1st female in US Cabinet: Frances Perkins appointed Secretary of Labor. What was her nickname?

Event of Interest                                                                German President and WWI General Paul von Hindenburg

1933 German President Paul von Hindenburg abolishes free expression of opinion

  • 1935 Wallace Carothers manufactures 1st nylon polymer

    Alpha-Phonics is available in tiny Mini Flash Drive but is complete book, lessons, instructions and sound of author reading the instructions.

    Alpha-Phonics phonics reading instruction program shown in new Mini Flash Drive version barely as large as a Postage Stamp

  • 1940 1st televised basketball game (U of Pitts beats Fordham U, 50-37)

1947 February 28 Incident: Anti-government uprising in Taiwan is violently put down by Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang-led Republic of China government with the loss of 18,000-28,000 lives. Marks the beginning of the White Terror.
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Event of interestEvent of Interest       Molecular biologist Francis Crick    Molecular Biologist James Watson

1953 Francis Crick and James Watson discover the chemical structure of DNA-molecule (double-helix polymer)

  • 1956 American engineer Wright Forrester issued a patent for computer core memory
  •                                                     Related image
  • 1970 Bicycles permitted to cross Golden Gate Bridge
  • Alpha-Phonics the Book on CDRom

    Alpha-Phonics the Book on CDRom

    1993 Gun battle erupts near Waco, Texas at Branch Davidian compound after FBI attempts a raid.  What was the final outcome?

  • 2012 Discovery of the largest prehistoric penguin, Kairuku grebneffi, at nearly 5ft tall
  • 2013 The brains of two rats successfully connected so that they share information
  • 2018 700 illegal churches closed in Rwanda for being too noisy and lacking building permits.

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