The Grandmother Who Taught Three Generations to Read

An old black and white photo of a classroom of children in the late 1800s or early 1900s..

This is the testimony of a classically-trained Grandmother who recommends Alpha-Phonics for teaching reading. 

(from Mary Beck Rutkowski, September 2021)

I was blessed to hear this grandmother’s story. She granted me the privilege of sharing her memories here, which I’m sure you will enjoy as much as I do.

“The public schools here were much more advanced into the weakness and failed methods of teaching- so it seemed we were in ‘reverse’ gear, so to speak.”

Laying the Background

“I attended Catholic Parochial school on Long Island, NY, where I was born. Excellent education and though I’d never heard it called as being the ‘classical’ method, it was exactly that.

“Memorization in every subject -rules of grammar, parts of speech, diagramming sentences, — Multiplication tables, addition and subtraction, factors, decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion, square root… History – names of countries, their general history – boundaries, wars, and causes. Geography – oceans, rivers, lakes, mountain ranges…. On and on. As in the Classical trivium, memorization was key.

Red brick Catholic high school building

Mary Rutkowski’s old high school

“After grammar school, I attended a Catholic high school. Sadly, it was not anything like I had expected. Nothing like the follow-up to the first level of the Classical method. I took 2 years of Latin, a year of French and did very well in both. English, even in grammar school, was my favorite and best class – I received the graduation award in English. Competed in spoken French in a NY state-wide competition and scored 6th. Won speech competitions. All this is to lay the background of how, where I was educated to further define what my interests were and where I was at my happiest and my best.”

Mary Beck Rutkowski

Mary Beck Rutkowski

Moving Forward

“Please, I will believe you do not take it as bragging. My first child, a daughter, attended our local public school – circa 1967. At that time, the public schools were fairly ‘ok’ and she had a superb Kindergarten teacher, a marvelous lady, ‘Old School’ in every way. She then went on to first grade, another fine teacher. Our son followed 3 years later and did well.

“In 1968, we moved from Long Island to northern Idaho, and that is where we have lived since. The public schools here were much more advanced into the weakness and failed methods of teaching – so it seemed we were in ‘reverse’ gear, so to speak.”

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Public Education

“There was some talk of bringing in ‘sex education’ !!! The other pitfalls and errors of ‘Public’ (Government) schooling became increasingly apparent to me, and we finally put them in Christian school. (As many of us know, this choice does not always meet expectations, but it was the best choice available then.) About this time was when I began to hear of Home Schooling. I did a little of this with my children but did a lot more with my Grand Children and even more with my Great Grand Children.”

Meeting Sam Blumenfeld and His Work

“Somewhere during these years, I heard of Mr. Samuel Blumenfeld !!! I read his book, – “NEA – Trojan Horse in American Education” That was such an eye-opener and I went on and read many more of Mr. B’s books and whatever was available then. He came through Spokane WA on a speaking tour and of course, it was beyond superb.

Samuel L. Blumenfeld, the author of Alpha-Phonics, is standing in front of a copy of his book. He is wearing a gray suit jacket with a blue tie and a light blue collard shirt; he is an older man with gray, receding hair.

“It was customary that the host state would take the guest speaker out for dinner – we did and somehow, it was my good fortune to share a small table with Mr. B. He talked about the proper way to teach Reading, Phonics and I ordered his teaching materials – “Alpha-Phonics”.

From Alpha-Phonics to the 6th year McGuffey Reader

“I have used phonics over the years with children, Grands and Great Grands… have taught my Great Grandson to read just over the last year or so. He now reads everything he sees and can read from the 6th year McGuffey Reader. I gave away my original copy of Alpha Phonics to one granddaughter. Quickly ordered another one.”

Commitment to Alpha Phonics 

“Alpha Phonics! A simple, accurate and easily understood method of teaching children how to read. It’s a happy thing to see students quickly learn and to enjoy it!

“It is a sad thing to think of little eager minds being taught the senseless, useless “Look, Say’ nonsense. Alpha Phonics teaches the Alphabet; that every letter has a sound; the vowels are taught and the sound/sounds of each one. Slowly, in perfect sequence, consonants are merged with vowels to form simple, one syllable words and moves on easily to more syllables per word.”

“Children learn, like and enjoy it because it makes sense, satisfies the mind and the thrill and excitement of being able to actually see the sound symbols and know what they mean ! And then to progress on to many words of many syllables! I have taught children, Grandchildren and now Great Grandchildren the sweet delight of knowing how to read easily! Out of the darkness, the confusion. Thank You, Sam Blumenfeld for all your fine work!”

I Agree

I not only agree with Mrs. Rutkowski’s raving descriptions of Alpha Phonics, but I share the same results.

When using Alpha Phonics, students are actually reading simple words almost immediately, and simple sentences by lesson 3 (which can even be the first day). No time is wasted on frivolous busy work.

Many testimonies have said the same. One mother once wrote to us, quoting her happy daughter who had barely begun the Alpha Phonics course, “Oh, Mommy!” she said, “I AM READING!”

And, I’m certain that she was.

Meg Rayborn Dawson

Meg Rayborn Dawson is a homeschooling mom of 9 and the author of Dyslexic No More: Saved by the ABC’s. She holds an MS in Exceptional Student Education with a focus on Applied Behavior Analysis from the University of West Florida, an MA in Psychology from Grand Canyon University, and a BA from Northwest Nazarene University.


Renowned Author Recommends Alpha-Phonics – Donna Fletcher Crow Interview


Reading War Champions & How to Teach Reading – Flesch & Blumenfeld